Provides a Very Hands On Experience & Road Map
The Power of Magnetic Leadership: It’s Time to Get R.E.A.L.
April, 2013
“The author breaks down the leadership principles into four readily understood and integrated parts. The ideas are presented as that of R.E.A.L. The various chapters cover each of the concepts, and each chapter contains exercises for a very hands on experience with the book doubling as a workbook for leadership training. There are also self testing and insightful questions to ensure that the leader understands the principles and practices completely. I highly recommend the results oriented and very practical book The Power of Magnetic Leadership: It's Time to Get R.E.A.L. by Dianne Durkin, to any leaders at all levels in any organization who are seeking a clear and effective blueprint for achieving both personal and organizational leadership excellence. This book goes to the heart of the leadership crisis facing many companies today, and provides a road map to a viable leadership cultural solution.”